FreeCodeCamp Projects

Here are some of the projects I have completed for freeCodeCamp's Full Stack Javascript Certification, and freeCodeCamp's Data Science with Python Curriculum:

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Full Stack Javascript

Front End Libraries

Front End Libs Project 1 - A Simpsons Random Quote Generator

Random Quote Generator

A simple Simpson's-themed random quote generator that accesses random Simpson's quotes using an API and displays them on screen.

Front End Libs Project 2 - Markdown Previewer

Markdown Previewer

A handy application where users can type GitHub markdown into an editor and see a live preview of the resulting HTML. Built using React.

Front End Libs Project 3 - Drum Machine

Drum Machine

An interactive Drum Machine where users can play, record and playback a drum track of their own design. Built using React, bundled using webpack.

Webpack Logo

Front End Libs Project 4 - Calculator


A basic calculator app where users can enter calculations and view the results. Built using React with a Create React App template.

Create-React-App Logo

Front End Libs Project 5 - 25 + 5 Clock

25 + 5 Timer

A Pomodoro Timer app, allowing users to focus on tasks with regular short breaks. Built using React in the Next.js framework.

Next.js Logo

Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation Project 1 - U.S. GDP Bar Chart

U.S. GDP Bar Chart

A responsive, interactive bar chart of US Quarterly GDP data, built using D3's low-level SVG API.

D3.js Logo

Data Visualisation Project 2 - Cycling Race Times

Alpe d'Huez Scatter Plot

An interactive scatter plot of the top 35 cycling ascent times of Alpe d'Huez, separated by whether doping allegations have arisen for each rider. Built using D3, bundled using webpack.

D3.js Logo Webpack Logo

Data Visualisation Project 3 - Monthly Temperature Heat Map (1753-2015)

Temperature Heat Map

An interactive heat map of the monthly global land temperature from 1753-2015, relative to the average temperature from 1951-1980. Built using React and D3, bundled using webpack.

D3.js Logo Webpack Logo

Data Visualisation Project 4 - US Educational Attainment Choropleth (2010-2014)

U.S. Education Choropleth

A responsive, interactive choropleth map of educational attainment across all U.S. counties. Built using React and D3, bundled using Create-React-App.

D3.js Logo Create-React-App Logo

Data Visualisation Project 5 - Tree Map Diagram

Multi-Dataset Tree Map

An app where a selection of datasets (best-selling games, top box office movies, highest Kickstarter pledges) can be visualised in a Tree Map. Built using React and D3 in the Next.js framework.

D3.js Logo Next.js Logo

Back End Development and APIs

Back End Project 1 - Timestamp Microservice

Timestamp Microservice

A microservice that can provide timestamps for a given day, unix timestamp, or the current time. Built using the Express web framework.

express.js Logo

Back End Project 2 - Request Header Parser

Request Header Parser Microservice

A microservice that returns header data (ip address, request language, request software) from requests sent to it. Built using the Express web framework.

express.js Logo

Back End Project 3 - URL Shortener Microservice

URL Shortener Microservice

A microservice that, given a URL, returns a shortened URL that will redirect to the original. Built using the Express web framework and a MongoDB database with mongoose object modelling.

express.js Logo MongoDB Logo mongoose Logo

Back End Project 4 - Exercise Tracker

Exercise Tracker

An API that allows users to create an account ID, add exercise details to their account and view their exercise logs. Built using the Express web framework and a MongoDB database with mongoose object modelling.

express.js Logo MongoDB Logo mongoose Logo

Back End Project 5 - File MetaData Microservice

File MetaData Microservice

A microservice that returns metadata information for uploaded files. Built using the Express web framework, with Multer middleware to handle multipart form data.

express.js Logo

Quality Assurance Projects

QA Project 1 - Metric-Imperial Converter

Metric-Imperial Converter

A simple Metric-Imperial converter App and API, allowing users to convert units. Built using the Express web framework, with a Mocha/Chai test suite.

express.js Logo mocha.js Logo chai.js Logo

QA Project 2 - Issue Tracker

Issue Tracker

A simple Issue Tracking App and API, allowing users to create, read, update and delete issues for projects. Built using the Express web framework, a MongoDB database and with a Mocha/Chai test suite.

express.js Logo MongoDB Logo mocha.js Logo chai.js Logo

QA Project 3 - Personal Library

Personal Library

A simple Personal Library App and API, allowing users to add and delete books and add comments to books. Built using the Express web framework, a MongoDB database and with a Mocha/Chai test suite.

express.js Logo MongoDB Logo mocha.js Logo chai.js Logo

QA Project 4 - Sudoku Solver

Sudoku Solver

A Sudoku puzzle App and API, allowing users generate random Sudokus, request moves to be checked for validity, and request puzzle solutions. Built using the Express web framework with a Mocha/Chai test suite.

express.js Logo mocha.js Logo chai.js Logo

QA Project 5 - American-British Translator

American-British Translator

A simple translation App and API, allowing users to translate text from American English to British English and vice versa. Built using the Express web framework with a Mocha/Chai test suite.

express.js Logo mocha.js Logo chai.js Logo

Data Science with Python

Scientific Computing with Python

Scientific Python Project 1 - Arithmetic Formatter

Arithmetic Formatter

A python function that receives a list of arithmetic problems and returns a formatted version of the sum and answer.

Scientific Python Project 2 - Time Calculator

Time Calculator

A python function that can add a duration to a starting time, and return the resulting time, day of the week etc.

Scientific Python Project 3 - Budget App

Budget App

A python class for creating budget items, and a spending chart function which plots the percentages spent across budget items.

Scientific Python Project 4 - Polygon Area Calculator

Polygon Area Calculator

Rectangle and Square classes created using Python OOP, with Square class inheriting various methods from the Rectangle parent class.

Scientific Python Project 5 - Probability Calculator

Probability Calculator

A program that carrys out a Monte Carlo simulation of pulling coloured balls from a hat, to estimate the probability of a given result.

Data Analysis with Python

Data Analysis Project 1 - Statistic Calculator

Matrix Stats Calculator

A function that calculates various descriptive statistics for a given 3x3 matrix using Numpy.

Data Analysis Project 2 - Demographic Analyser

Demographic Data Analyser

An analysis using Pandas of the 1994 "Census Income" dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Pandas Logo

Data Analysis Project 3 - Medical Data Visualiser

Medical Data Visualiser

A visualisation of a cardiovascular health medical examination dataset, using Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn.

Pandas Logo Matplotlib logo

Data Analysis Project 4 - Page View Visualiser

Page View Visualiser

A visualisation of a time series dataset containing the number of page views each day on the freeCodeCamp forum, using Pandas and Matplotlib.

Pandas Logo Matplotlib logo

Data Analysis Project 5 - Sea Level Predictor

Sea Level Predictor

An analysis of a dataset containing the Global Average Absolute Sea Level Change from 1880-2014. Lines of best fit are found for the dataset using SciPy, to estimate Sea Level in 2050.

Pandas Logo Matplotlib logo SciPy Logo